Anatomitenta - an exercise made by Heddur on
1. Fold the right part of the paper back so that you can't se the answers.
2. Write the correct answer in the space below each question.
3. When done, fold the paper back and compare your answers.
Inre tungmuskler Genioglossus Inre oblikva cricoidea Ringbrosk Lateral cricothyroid Yttre interkostaler Ringbrosk Struplock Matstrupe Tunga Skulderblad corniculatae plicae ventriculares Kannbrosk Tungben epiglottica Inre larynxmuskler Yttre oblikva Ringbrosk os hyoideus Cuneiformis Näshåla Rektus Struplock Thyroarytenoidmuskeln Revben Sköldbrosk thyroidea Vokalismuskeln Glottis Sköldbrosk Cricothyroid Mjuka gommen Tungben Hårda gommen Posticus Stämband arytenoideae Svalg Inre interkostaler Adamsäpple Geniohyoid Sköldbrosk Larynx Kannbrosk