bilder fysiologiska

bilder fysiologiska - an exercise made by YeetMcYeet on
1. Fold the right part of the paper back so that you can't se the answers.
2. Write the correct answer in the space below each question.
3. When done, fold the paper back and compare your answers.
synnerv, lins, hornhinna
frontallob, parietallob, talamus, occipitallob, cerebellum
bowmans kapsel, proximal tubule, descending loop of henle
främre hypofysen, tallkottkörteln
ACh, nikotinreceptor
talamus, hypotalamus, bakre hypofysen
skalp, benhinnan, skallben
preganglieneuron, postganglieneuron, målvävnad
iris, glaskropp, näthinna, gula fläcken
dura mater, spindevävshinnan, pia mater
loop of henle, ascending loop of henle, distal tubule, collecting duct
förlängda märgen, pons, temporallob, hypofysen, hypotalamus
dendriter, axon, ranviernoder, myelin skidor, axon terminal
mitthjärnan, pons, förlängda märgen
ACh, noradrenalin
dorsal horn, ventral horn, grå substans, vit substans