Dag 2 Hammarbyhöjden

Dag 2 Hammarbyhöjden - an exercise made by LeoMacchi on Spellic.com.
1. Fold the right part of the paper back so that you can't se the answers.
2. Write the correct answer in the space below each question.
3. When done, fold the paper back and compare your answers.
Cynoglossum officinale
Carex pallescens
Pilosella officinarum
Lolium perenne
Crataegus sp.
Quercus robur
Lamium album
Geum urbanum
Echium vulgare
Sambucus racemosa
Taraxacum sp.
Juniperus communis
Rose sp.
Equisetum arvense
Arrhenatherum elatius
Geranium pyrenaicum
Convolvulus arvensis
Symphytum x uplandicum
Galium album
Sambucus nigra
Medicago lupina
Leucanthemum vulgare