Muskeltabell 2 - Appendikulära muskler bakställ

Muskeltabell 2 - Appendikulära muskler bakställ - an exercise made by HannahF on
1. Fold the right part of the paper back so that you can't se the answers.
2. Write the correct answer in the space below each question.
3. When done, fold the paper back and compare your answers.
M. Gluteus medius
M. Quadriceps femoris
M. Iliopsoas
M. Semitendinosus
M. Rectus femoris
M. Gracilis
M. Biceps femoris
M. Vastus medialis
M. Gluteus superficialis
M. Tensor fasciae latae
M. Gluteus profundus
M. Pectineus
M. Vastus lateralis
M. Sartorius
M. Semimembranosus
M. Vastus intermedius
M. Psoas minor
M. Piriformis
M. Gastrocnemius
M. Quadratus lumborum