perenner 4 latin

perenner 4 latin - an exercise made by Ezqil98 on
1. Fold the right part of the paper back so that you can't se the answers.
2. Write the correct answer in the space below each question.
3. When done, fold the paper back and compare your answers.
Hepatica transsilvanica
Aruncus aethusifolius
Lamium galeobdolon
Galium odoratum
Paeonia x lactiflora
Geranium macrorrhizum
Pulsatilla vulgaris
Cerastium tomentosum
Carex siderosticta
Artemisia schmidtiana 'Nana'
Pulmonaria angustifolia
Astrantia major
Armeria maritima
Primula veris
Geranium x cantabrigiense
Paeonia x festiva
Aquilegia vulgaris
Helictotrichon sempervirens
Thymus serpyllum
Stachys byzantina
Doronicum orientale
Anemone sylvestris
Phedimus floriferus
Iris Sibirica-Gruppen
Euphorbia epithymoides
Alchemilla mollis
Viola odorata