The USA - muntligt
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The White House is where the president and first family of the United States live and work. It's located in Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C
Alcatraz is a former federal prison located on an island in San Fransisco Bay. It opened 1934 and closed 1963. Many prisoners tried to escape, but not many survived.
Waikiki is a neighbourhood of Honolulu on the south shore of the island of Oahu in the U.S. state of Hawaii. Waikiki is the name of the famous beach were many people come to sunbath, surf or just hang out.
Hollywood is a place where lots of movies are made and lots of people get famous there, it's located in Los Angeles. In Hollywood one can also find the Hollywood sign.
4th of july, Is the national day in USA. They celebrate their independence from the monarch of Britain in 4th of July in 1776. It is a holiday, and they celebrate it with fireworks and festivities.
The Super Bowl: The American football league's championship game, in which two teams play each other to become the Champion of the NFL.
American Football is a competitive team ball sport. The object of the game is to score points by throwing or kicking the football into the opposing team´s end zone. Either by throwing or running with the ball as far as you can.
Central Park is an urban park in New York city located between the upper west and upper east of Manhattan.
Area 51, Is located at Groom Lake in southern Nevada. Area 51 is a military base and there is a myth that says that the base has aliens. You are not allowed to enter the area.
FBI Is like the American cops but FBI does other stuff than the cops. The FBI is a special police force who is working inside the country (internationally) with more difficult and harder crimes like terrorist action and more.
CIA is the first of defence for the United States. They collect and analyse data to further security and threats.
Mount Rushmore is a mountain with faces of four presidents carved in it. The four presisents are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. It's located on the Black Hills near Keystone, South Dakota.
Statue of liberty is a statue of a woman holding a torch. One can find the bronze statue of Liberty Island in New York Harbor in New York City. The statue was a peace gift from France.