Searched for constipated in the dictionary.
German: verstopfte
constipated English | |
German | verstopfte |
constitute English | |
Swedish | utgöra |
constitutes English | |
Swedish | bildar |
constructed English | |
Swedish | konstruerade |
constipation English | |
Swedish | förstoppning |
considered English | |
Swedish | övervägde, ansedd, anses, ansedd som, betraktad, betraktad som |
concatenated English | |
Swedish | hoplänkade |
constrained English | |
Swedish | spärrad, ansträngd, tvungen |
conceited English | |
Swedish | egenkär, fåfäng, inbilsk, inbilskhet |
constitution French | |
Czech | ústava |
Danish | forfatning |
Dutch | grondwet |
English | constitution |
Finnish | perustuslaki |
German | Verfassung |
Greek | Σύvταγμα |
Hungarian | alkotmány |
Italian | costituzione |
Latvian | konstitūcija |
Polish | konstytucja |
Portuguese | Constituição |
Slovenian | ustava |
Spanish | Constitución |
Swedish | författning, konstitution |
construire French | |
Swedish | bygga |
constar de Spanish | |
Swedish | bestå av |
considerer French | |
Swedish | anse, betrakta |
constrict English | |
Swedish | sammandra |
constaint English | |
Swedish | nödtvång |
constructs English | |
Swedish | konstruktioner |
considit Latin | |
Swedish | sätter sig |
constable English | |
Swedish | konstapel |
constants English | |
Swedish | konstanter |
constraint English | |
Swedish | tvång, bundenhet |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.