du store tid
Searched for du store tid in the dictionary.
English: my goodness
du store tid Swedish | |
English | my goodness |
distorted English | |
Swedish | störd |
Du store! Swedish | |
English | By jove! |
du stirbst German | |
French | tu meurs |
distorsio Latin | |
Swedish | stukning |
du stöter till Swedish | |
Russian | ты толькнёшь |
destruktiv Swedish | |
English | destructive |
desterted English | |
Swedish | öde |
distressed English | |
Swedish | nödställd |
distort English | |
Swedish | förvränga, förvrida, vanställa, förvanska |
distortion English | |
Swedish | förvridning, förvrängning |
du straffar Swedish | |
French | tu punis |
doctored English | |
Swedish | fiffla |
distrain English | |
Swedish | utmäta |
destroyed English | |
Swedish | förstörd |
distributed English | |
Swedish | utgiven, utspritt |
disturbed English | |
Swedish | störde |
distressing English | |
Swedish | uppskakande |
doctorate English | |
German | Doktorat |
Swedish | doktorsexamen |
doctorship English | |
German | Doktorwürde |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.