Searched for resultattavla in the dictionary.
English: results board, scoreboard
resultattavla Swedish | |
English | results board, scoreboard |
resultat Swedish | |
English | outcome, finding, score, upshot, result, ensue, income |
French | aboutissement |
Russian | результат |
resultatlös Swedish | |
English | barren, inconclusive |
resultatet Swedish | |
French | le score |
German | das Ergebnis |
resultatansvar Swedish | |
English | overall responsibility for results |
resultatenhet Swedish | |
English | economic unit |
resulta que Spanish | |
Swedish | det var så att, det är så att, det är faktiskt så att |
resulta que Swedish | |
Spanish | det är så att |
resultar Spanish | |
Swedish | bli, vara, resultera |
resultera Swedish | |
Spanish | resultar |
resulterande Swedish | |
English | resulting |
resulterade Swedish | |
English | resulted |
resultera i Swedish | |
English | result in |
regulates English | |
Swedish | styr |
regulatory English | |
Swedish | reglerande |
regulation English | |
Czech | nařízení |
Danish | forordning |
Dutch | verordening |
Finnish | asetus tai hallinnollinen määräys |
French | règlement |
German | Verordnung |
Greek | καvovισμός |
Hungarian | rendelet |
Italian | regolamento |
Latvian | noteikumi |
Polish | akt prawny |
Portuguese | regulamento |
Slovenian | uredba |
Spanish | reglamento administrativo |
Swedish | regel, bestämmelse, förordning, föreskrift, reglemente, ordningsregler, ordningsregel |
result in English | |
Swedish | medföra, resultera i |
regulations English | |
Swedish | reglemente |
regulate English | |
Swedish | reglera, rucka, justera |
regulated English | |
Swedish | reglerad |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.