21. Modala hjälpverb

Övningen är skapad 2023-03-30 av Klempt. Antal frågor: 35.

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Alla Inga

  • You /måste köpa/ must buy a new bike.
  • His parents say that he /får röka/ may smoke when he is 18.
  • They asked us if we /kunde hjälpa/ could help them.
  • I wonder if she /kan spela/ can play the piano.
  • They /ska köpa/ will buy a new bike.
  • Everybody hoped that he /skulle vinna/ would win the race.
  • Nobody thought it /skulle vara/ would be easy.
  • The children /måste borsta/ must brush their teeth.
  • I hope that your sister /kan simma/ can swim 500 metres.
  • She /kunde simma/ could swim when she was six.
  • /Får/ May I go now?
  • My brother /ska sälja/ will sell his car.
  • Min bror /tänker sälja/ is going to sell his car.
  • Do you know if they /kan tala/ can speak French?
  • You /måste berätta/ must tell the truth.
  • They said that they /ska bygga/ will build a big house behind the school.
  • If I were you I /skulle gå/ would go home.
  • She /skulle gilla/ would like to dance all night.
  • I think she /kan cykla/ can cycle to school in 5 minutes.
  • We /ska lära oss/ will learn Italian.
  • He /tänker lära sig/ is going to learn Spanish.
  • All the boys /kunde svara/ could answer the questions.
  • Nobody /kunde göra/ could make her happy.
  • I think they /kan rita/ can draw a picture of a cat.
  • He /måste kunna arbeta/ must be able to work tomorrow.
  • The guests /hade inte kunnat komma/ had not been able to come to the party on time.
  • He asked Mary if he /fick dansa/ might dance with her.
  • We /har inte kunnat sova/ have not been able to sleep in these beds.
  • The teacher said that we /måste tala/ must speak louder.
  • I hope /att kunna hjälpa/ to be able to help you soon.
  • He /var tvungen/ had to leave before midnight.
  • You /kommer att vara tvungen/ will have to give him the money tomorrow.
  • She /var tvungen/ had to change her dirty clothes.
  • You /måste/ must do it at once.
  • My parents /har kunnat/ have been able to buy a new house.

Alla Inga

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