4.Lean Transformation

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  • Lean Transformation Companies that abandon B&Q practices and adopt Lean principles and practices across the enterprise.
  • Batch-and-Queue (B&Q) material is processed in large batches which result in long queue times between operations
  • Implementing Lean Organizational ambidexterity, Structural ambidexterity, Contextual ambidexterity
  • Contextual ambidexterity Micro processes based on collective and individual behaviors
  • Contextual ambidexterity in Lean Entrust lean implementation to line managers and their teams. Facilitates the adoption of lean practices and a deeper long lasting behavioral change.
  • Structural ambidexterity Creating separate organizations or structures. Some focus on exploration (innovation) others on exploitation (efficiency).
  • Structural ambidextirety in Lean Allocating lean implementation to lean specialists.Segregating lean implementation roles
  • Organizational ambidexterity Implementing lean programs to innovate while continuing to operate efficiently.
  • Why does Lean Fail Senior managers implement “continuous improvement” and forget the “respect for people part”
  • Why does Lean Fail. Lack of Management attitude and commitment, Lack of Employee engagement
  • How Do Organizations Learn Governing Variable, Action Strategy, Consequences
  • How do leaders act in a crisis New leaders from outside have no emotional connection and shake up the executive level
  • What is needed in a crisis situation Patiently develop leaders over decades, Companies dealing with life-or-death crisis do not have decades and must act immediately
  • Natural Response in Crisis Executives Shake up, Restructuring & Layouts
  • Lean Responses for developing company Leaders Self-development, Coach and Develop Others, Support Daily Kaizen, From Vision, Deep Leadership Capability
  • Hybrid Response to a crisis Shake up Executive level → Top level enable lean philosophies → Cost reduction through lean approach →Long-term investment in leadership and OE
  • Step 1 in Toyota Building Leadership in Crisis Executive Shake-up, Identify Future leaders, Restructuring & Layouts
  • Three Priorities set in a hybrid approach to managing crisis Survival, Building a new culture of accountability, Building a foundation for future excellence
  • Things companies require when transforming Capable Leaders to Lead Team Members eliminate waste and develop capacity for continuous improvement., Common metrics to see progress and where to focus attention
  • Effects of Contextual ambidecterity Less efficient but more sustained behavioral change. More of a learning process.
  • Effects of Structural ambidexterity Preferred if higher efficiency is the goal, but much segregation generates de-responsibilization.
  • Wrong understanding of Respect for people Understood as adding cost when in fact it reduces costs.
  • Why lean fails Weak link between lean and strategic objectives
  • Why Lean fails Wrong selection of lean tools, Narrow view of lean
  • Why Lean fails Lack of training and education, Lack of resources
  • Why Lean fails Lack of implementation know-how, Resistance of culture change
  • Why lean fails Poor communication, Lack of leadership skills and supportive leadership
  • Why Lean fails Backsliding to old ways of working, Failure of past Lean projects, Regarding Lean as the “flavor-of-the-mont”
  • In a Crisis Radical restructuring, Aggressive cost reduction, culture changes and valuable employees are lost
  • Traditional Leaders in Crisis Aggressive Cost Reduction, Stabilize Businesses, Attempt to Regrow Business with Weakened Organization and Few Leaders
  • Step 2 in ToyotaBuilding Leadership in Crisis Future leaders equip Leaders with Training, Coaching, tools. Aggressive cost reduction
  • Step 3 in Toyota Building Leadership in Crisis Build Operational Excellence through Daily Kaizen and Continued Leadership Development
  • Step 4 in Toyota Building Leadership in Crisis Regrow Business with Growing Leaders

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