A Haunted House words

Övningen är skapad 2021-09-28 av rlu0724. Antal frågor: 25.

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  • narrative a description of events
  • unravel to explain, make clearer
  • narrator a person who tells a story
  • ally to give your support to another group or country
  • narration the act of telling a story
  • a figment of imagination something that somebody has imagined and that does not really exist
  • deictic relating to a word or expression whose meaning depends on who says it
  • suspense a feeling of worry or excitement that you have when you feel that something is going to happen
  • pertinent appropriate to a particular situation, relevant
  • elusive difficult to find, define or achieve
  • incite to encurage somebody to do something violent, illegal or unpleasant, especially by making them angry or excited
  • sibilant making a 's' or 'sh' sound
  • deviation the act of moving away from what is normal or acceptable
  • instil to gradually make somebody feel, think or behave in a particular way over a period of time
  • ephemeral lasting or used for only a short period of time
  • reinforce to make a feeling, idea, etc. stronger
  • pendant a hanging lamp or chandelier, a piece of jewellery
  • intrinsic belonging to or part of the real nature of something/somebody
  • reanimate to give somebody/something new life or energy
  • adhere to stick firmly to something
  • climactic very exiting, most important(of an event or a point in time)
  • subvert to try to destroy the authority of a political, religious etc. system by attacking it secretly or indirectly
  • permeate to affect every part of something
  • pretext a false reason that you give for doing something in order to hide the real reason, an excuse
  • implicitly in a way that is suggested without being directly expressed

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