All that glitters 2

Övningen är skapad 2025-02-12 av JosseBosse00. Antal frågor: 23.

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  • A movie made by drawing a series of pictures Animated
  • Without being fully aware; existing or operating in the mind beneath conscious awareness. Subconsciously
  • Happening repeatedly or periodically. Recurring
  • A small container, often holding ink, film, or bullets, that is inserted into a device. Cartridge
  • A point where two or more things, especially roads or paths, meet Junction
  • Not discovered or noticed Undetected
  • Not moving; completely still. Motionless
  • Making something known Exposure
  • Extremely unpleasant or morally bad. Vile
  • Of considerable size, value, or importance. Substantial
  • To improve or increase the quality, value, or extent of something. Enhance
  • A person who is not yet an adult by law, typically under 18 years old. Minor
  • Relating to or in the form of words, especially spoken. Verbal
  • Satisfaction or pleasure derived from fulfilling a desire. Gratification
  • Combining parts to make a whole; incorporating into a larger system or group Integrating
  • The confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline of a person or group at a particular time. Morale
  • Willing to take risks or try out new experience Adventurous
  • Willing to consider new ideas or different perspectives. Open-minded
  • Not ready, eager, or willing to do something. Unwilling
  • Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way Pernicious
  • A face or surface (often circular) marked to show measurements or to control Dial
  • Mentally disturbed or insane Deranged
  • Slowly leaking or seeping out a liquid, often thick or sticky Oozing

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