Basic facts you ought to know about the USA

Övningen är skapad 2024-01-27 av medborg. Antal frågor: 11.

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  • The capital of USA is Washington D.C.
  • The biggest state is Alaska
  • How many states are there in the USA? 50
  • The name of the American flag is Stars and Stripes
  • The ocean outside California´s coast is The Pacific ocean
  • In which city´s harbor can you see the Statue of Liberty ? in New York
  • New York is also called the apple
  • Who became the first president of the USA in 1789? George Washington
  • Which state reminds me of pineapple and volcanoes? Hawaii
  • Why do they speak English in the U.S? It used to be an English colony
  • What do we call the "first people " of the USA? Native Americans

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