Bio - Genetics

Övningen är skapad 2016-12-18 av Gellert28. Antal frågor: 12.

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  • A section of a chromosome is called a gene
  • The genes are found in a cells nucleus
  • Humans have 46 chromosomes
  • Different living organisms have (different/same) different numbers of chromosomes
  • Genes are made of DNA or ______acid
  • A human have 22 000 genes in every cell
  • Mitosis is when a cell (copies/splits) copies its genes and splits into 2 cells
  • Meiosis is when a cell (copies/splits) splits its genes and splits into 2 cells
  • A diploid cell have 2 of each chromosome
  • A polyploid cell have 3+ of each chromosome
  • Identical twins have (the same/somewhat different) the same gene combinations
  • Identical twins have (the same/somewhat different) somewhat different looks

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