
Övningen är skapad 2024-10-14 av RobertNO. Antal frågor: 23.

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  • What is meant by an atom? The smallest element. Everything is made up of atoms.
  • What does blood consist of? Blood plasma, red and white blood cells and platelets
  • What is meant by a vein? It is a blood vessel that carries blood to the heart.
  • What is the aorta called by another name? The large body artery.
  • What do the red blood cells do? Transports oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  • Why do we have to breathe? Because the muscles need oxygen to be able to burn grape sugar so that the cells can extract energy. Then we have to get rid of the carbon dioxide that is formed as well.
  • Where does the blood release oxygen? In the muscles (where we burn the oxygen).
  • What is meant by an artery? It is a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart.
  • What is meant by a cell? The smallest functional unit of all living organisms.
  • What is meant by an organ? Tissues with a specific function. For example, heart and lung.
  • What blood groups are there? A, B, AB and 0.
  • What is meant by alveoli? What's going on there? Pulmonary sacs. It is there that the exchange of oxygen/carbon dioxide takes place. It is only there that the walls are thin enough.
  • What is meant by a tissue? A collection of cells that in an organism have a similar function.
  • Why is carbon monoxide so dangerous? Because carbon monoxide attaches more easily to the red blood cells than oxygen does.
  • What transports the body away from our muscles? Carbon dioxide.
  • What do the white blood cells do? They defend the body. For example, by creating antibodies.
  • What is meant by the small cycle? From the heart, to the lungs and then back to the heart.
  • What are the valves located in the heart called? Pocket flaps and sail flaps.
  • What is meant by a capillary? It is the thinnest of all blood vessels. This is where all the exchanges of substances take place.
  • What is meant by the great cycle? From the heart out into the body (all the cells of the body/small intestine) and then back.
  • What four "rooms" are in the heart? Left atrium and ventricle, and right atrium and ventricle.
  • How is the blood in the veins moved? The veins have venous valves that allow the blood to be directed in only one direction. Nearby arteries and muscles then push the blood forward in that direction.
  • What is the function of the heart's valves? To direct the blood the right way through the heart.

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