cerebral blood flow - Lecture 6

Övningen är skapad 2024-03-18 av feliciajonsssson. Antal frågor: 17.

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  • the brain receives arterial blood through 2 vertebral arteries that are joined together and forms ... ... and this then delivers blood to the spinal cord, brain stem & cerebellum basilar artery
  • which vein delivers the blood from the brain back to the heart? jugular vein
  • there are No lymphatic vessels in the brain tissue, except in the meninges: TREU/FALSE true
  • Blood distribution depends on activity of different brain areas: TRUE/FALSE true
  • Blood flow in brain is not relatively constant: TRUE/FALSE false
  • blood flow to brain is small if we take mass into account: TRUE/FALSE false
  • what is the relative blood flow to the brain (when we take mass into account)? (..-.. unit) 50-60 ml/min/100g
  • grey matter of the brain takes more blood than white matter: TRUE/FALSE true
  • how many % of the CO does the brain take and how much is that in ml/min? (provide unit) 14%, 700 ml/min
  • if Blood flow to brain is LOWER than 20 ml/min/100 g tissue --> neuronal activity stops: TRUE/FALSE true
  • Cerebral blood flow is dependent on the pressure difference between ... ... ... and ... ... -> formula (use förkortning) .. - .. mean arterial pressure, intracranial pressure, MAP - ICP
  • what is the normal pressure RANGE for intracranial pressure (ICP)? (provide unit) 8-12 mmHg
  • cranial cavity consists of three "tissues": ... tissue, cerebrospinal fluid & ... -> If any of the tissues increases in volume -> ... intracranial pressure brain, blood, increased
  • if intracranial pressure (ICP) increases then blood flow to brain ... (because it is the most changeable) decreases
  • If MAP in large circuit arteries is lower than .. mmHg -> blood cannot flow to the brain because the ICP is greater 60
  • Narrowed cerebral arteries --> increased resistance to blood flow so less blood is delivered to brain: TRUE/FALSE true
  • which is the most imporatan regulatory mechanism in the brain, lungs, coronary circulation & muscles? and is this peripheral or central regulation? metabolic regulation, peripheral

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