Chapter 1

Övningen är skapad 2025-01-20 av Issemcfly. Antal frågor: 13.

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  • Aggression in males during the breeding season is internally coordinated
  • Behaviours that can be measured from the outside (i.e. squirrel eating an acorn) Externally visible activity
  • When toads and crickets change their vocalization due to change in day length, it's because of behavioural response to changing conditions
  • A formal description or inventory of an animal's behaviour Ethogram
  • The indication of total time and relative frequency of each behaviour Time budget
  • What are Tinbergen's four questions? Mechanism, development, function and evolutionary history
  • Proximate explanations to a behaviour explains what causes a specific behaviour
  • Ultimate explanations to a behaviour explains why the specific behaviour happens in an organism
  • The simplest psychological process possible should be used to interpret an animal's behaviour Morgan's canon
  • A field of comparative psychology that studies behaviour independent of animal mental states or consiousness Behaviourism
  • A device used by Skinner to strudy how animal behaviours could be modified Operant chamber
  • When an animal learns to associate a behaviour with a particular consequence Operant conditioning
  • The study of animal behaviour in nature byu observation and experimentation Classical ethology

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