Chapter 2

Övningen är skapad 2025-01-21 av Issemcfly. Antal frågor: 14.

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  • When scientists conduct a study without manipulating the environment or the animal Observational method
  • When scientists manipulate a variable to see how it affects the behaviour of an organism Experimental method
  • The control group does not experiece the manipulation but is treated similarly in all other aspects
  • When scientists examine differences and similarities between species to understand behaviour Comparative method
  • Ancestral traits are found in a common ancestor of two or more species
  • Derived traits are found in more recently evolved species and not present in the common ancestor
  • The falsification or fabrication of data Scientific misconduct
  • What are the three R's? Replacement, reduction and refinement
  • Using computer modelling, videotapes to substitute the need of actual animals Replacement
  • Limiting the number of animal subjects to disturbance in teaching or research Reduction
  • Improving procedures and techniques to minimise stress for animals Refinement
  • Primary literature are the primary or original source of scientific information
  • Peer review is when sceintists help decide if to accept or deny a paper for publication
  • Secondary literature are sources to scientific information that already has been presented before. Sources like TV, radio etc.

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