Chapter 7: Attitudes

Övningen är skapad 2023-05-22 av aqvistemilia. Antal frågor: 11.

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  • ___ is a lasting, general evaluation of people, objects, advertisements, or issues An attitude
  • A component of the ABC model of attitude is ______ all of the above
  • The ________ hierarchy of effects assumes the consumer does not initially have a strongpreference for one brand over another. Instead, a consumer acts on the basis of limitedknowledge and then forms an evaluation only after the product has been purchased or used low-involvement
  • According to the ________ hierarchy of effects, the consumer considers purchases basedon an attitude of hedonic consumption (such as how the product makes him or her feel or the fun its use will provide) experiential
  • considers how people perceive relations among different attitude objects, and how they alter their attitudes to remain consistent Balance theory
  • A company wants to persuade a customer to buy its products. If the consumer has a high degree of involvement with products that are sold by the company, what route to persuasionwill the company most likely take? a central route
  • Which of the following theories measures attitude toward the act of buying, rather than only the attitude toward the product itself? the theory of reasoned action
  • The source of a message has an impact on whether the message will be accepted or not.Two particularly important source characteristics are ____ credibility and attractiveness
  • Source ________ refers to the perceived social value of a message source attractiveness
  • A communicator's expertise, objectivity and trustworthiness refer to __ source credibility
  • Emphasizing the negative consequences that may occur unless a consumer changesbehavior is called __ a fear appeal

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