Chronicle of a Death Foretold - part 4

Övningen är skapad 2024-02-12 av jennyholmqvist. Antal frågor: 20.

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Alla Inga

  • acolyte a person assisting a priest (korgosse)
  • peremptory messages messages insisting on immediate attention or obedience
  • encephalic relating to, affecting or situated in the brain
  • hypertrophy an increase in the size of an organ
  • greenhorn a person that is not experienced
  • trepanation a surgical invention in which a hole is drilled into the human skull
  • quicklime white caustic alkaline substance
  • caustic able to burn or corrode organic tissue through chemical action (frätande)
  • alkaline having a PH greater than 7 (basisk)
  • houri a beautiful maiden who awaits the devout Muslim in paradise
  • lucidity clairity of expression
  • diuretics a type of drug that causes the kidneys to make more urine (vätskedrivande)
  • micturition the act of urinating
  • cholerine minor diarrhea that happens during outbreak of cholera
  • expiate make amends or reparation for (guilt or wrongdoing)
  • eclipse solförmörkelse
  • idolator worships someone other than god
  • reticence an unwillingness to do something or talk about something
  • coup de grâce a final shot or blow given to kill a wounded person or animal
  • belfry bell tower

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