
Övningen är skapad 2018-09-28 av Hanna321. Antal frågor: 26.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • State-based violence Government vs another government or organized group, interstate or intra-state
  • Non-state violence Organized group vs another, rebel groups or communal conflict
  • One-sided violence government ot organized group towards civilians, genocide or massacres. direct and deliberate killing of civilians (UCDP)
  • Civilian victimization a wartime strategy that targets and aims to kill noncombatants
  • Communal conflict violent conflict between non-state groups that are organized along a shared communal identity
  • Collateral damage unintentional or incidental injury or damage to persons or objects that would not be lawful military targets in the circumstances ruling at the time
  • Conflict triange Attitudes, behaviour, contradiction
  • Conflict resolution (wallensteen) Social situation where the armed conflicting parties in a voluntary agreement resolve to live peacefully with, and/or dissolve, their basic incompatibilities and henceforth cease to use arms against another
  • conflict (wallensteen) a social situation in which a minimum of two actors strive to aquire at the same moment in time an avaliable set of scarce resources
  • Armed conflict (COW) Sustained combat, involving organized armed forces, resuting in a minimum of 1000 brd
  • Armed conflict (UCDP) a contested incompatibility that concerns government and/or territory where the use of armed forve between two parties, of which at least one is a goverment or state, results in at least 25 brd
  • Negative peace (galtung) Absence of direct violence
  • Positive peace (galtung) Absence of indirect violence, e.g. structural, social injustice
  • Peacekeeping (SIPRI) a mechanism to assist conflict-ridden countries to create conditions for sustainable peace. This may include monitoring and observing, ceasefire agreements; serving as confidence-building measures; protecting the delivery of humanitarian assistance; assisting with demobilization and reintegration processes; strenghtening institutional capacities in the areas of judiciary and the rule of law (including penal institution) policing and human rights; electoral support; and economic and social development
  • Peacekeeping Deployment of international personnel in order to keep peace
  • Causal theory logical arguments about hor phenomena in the world are related
  • Conflict (Pruitt & Kim) a percieved divergence of interest
  • War (levy & thompson) sustained coordinated violence between political organizations
  • Contending trying to force our will on the other party
  • Yielding giving in to the will of the other party
  • problem solving trying to engage with the other party to find a solution
  • avoiding leaving the conflict
  • Negotiation a discussion among two or more parties, with the apparent aim of resolving a divergence of interest
  • Third party any person or group that is external to the conflict and its parties
  • Mediation third party assistance in negotiation
  • Mediation a process of conflict management where the disputants seek the assistance of, or accept an offer of help from, an individual, group, state or organization, to settle their conflict or resolve their differences without resorting to physical violence or envoking the authoriry of law

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