Digesting Mars

Övningen är skapad 2022-09-06 av elshen0213. Antal frågor: 28.

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Alla Inga

  • rehydrate restore water (to the body)
  • restorative making you feel strong and healty
  • pending until, awaiting
  • treat apply a process to something to give it particular qualities
  • flare make/become wider
  • rig equipment
  • despot tyrant
  • lunar relating to the moon
  • coast move without using power
  • launch set in motion; send into space
  • nutritionist expert on the science of food
  • accommodating helpful, easy to work with
  • steer young male cow raised for beef
  • derive get, obtain
  • jettison throw away
  • envision imagine
  • enrich make better by adding something
  • balk at refuse to do something
  • edible can be eaten
  • palatable pleasant to taste
  • constituent part, component
  • ominous indicating that something bad might happen
  • ill advised not sensible or wise
  • cache a (hidden) store of things
  • seal shut, close (up)
  • hull body, exterior (part)
  • initially at first, in the beginning
  • jarring upsetting, disturbing

Alla Inga

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