Eng 7

Övningen är skapad 2021-02-01 av nasrinmanoh. Antal frågor: 34.

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Alla Inga

  • gaunt very thin, especially because of sickness or hunger
  • with whom med vem
  • riffraff negative view of people with a bad reputation or of a low social class
  • mischievous behaving in a way that is slightly bad but is not intended to cause serious harm or damage
  • remorse a feeling of sadness and being sorry for something you have done
  • pay for it in installments one of a number of payments that you make over a period of time to pay for something that you can use while you are paying for it - delbetala
  • benign fraternities pleasant and kind group of people who have the same job or interest
  • initiations an occasion when something starts
  • glowered to look very angry, annoyed, or threatening
  • waylaid to wait for and then stop someone (especially either to attack or talk to that person)
  • insular interested only in your own country or group and not willing to accept different or foreign ideas - man vill inte lyssna på något som inte påverkar ens eget liv - insolated
  • intersections the place where it happens (vägkorsning)
  • sprawling all over the place - utspridd
  • straddling to sit (or stand) with your legs on either side of the bench (something) - to sit astride
  • made myself amenable to him he made the policeman more open to be willing to accept or be influenced by a suggestion Nnamabia would make. Which made him help him more than others.
  • histrionic very emotional and energetic, but not sincere or without real meaning
  • indignities circumstances that cause one to feel shame or to lose one's dignity
  • imminent coming or likely to happen very soon
  • gloating feeling or expressing great pleasure or satisfaction because of your own success or good luck, or someone else's failure or bad luck - dwelling (om och om igen)
  • preening (Show off/Bragging)
  • fend for himself to take care of and provide for yourself without depending on anyone else
  • incorruptible can morally not be persuaded to have done something wrong
  • acerbic rude, bitter
  • sneered to talk about or look at someone or something in an unkind way that shows you do not respect or approve of him, her, or it
  • hawkers someone who sells goods informally in public places
  • flogging a punishment in which someone is beaten severely with a whip or a stick
  • pried her away To move someone away
  • inordinately in a way that is much more than usual or expected
  • untarred roads (oasfalterade vägar)
  • wince to show pain suddenly and for a short time in the face (often moving the head back at the same time)
  • welts a raised, red area of skin caused by being hit or by cuts healing
  • insolence rude behaviour that does not show respect
  • demeanor a way of looking and behaving
  • spineless being afraid of taking action - Someone who cannot or will not do the right thing, even though a small part of them knows they should.

Alla Inga

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