Eng. glosor 51

Övningen är skapad 2022-12-16 av Melissal_06. Antal frågor: 13.

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Alla Inga

  • notable it was very notable that I wasn't in a good mood
  • despite despite my pain in the back, I am joining my friend to the gym
  • estimated damage the university has estimated damage at more than 260﹩million
  • regardless of regardless of whether he is right or wrong, we have to abide by his decisions
  • attendance the number of persons present, an attendant of 500 at the event
  • assume If you promise that you will be there, then I assume that you’re going to show up
  • fresh produced i bought vegetables that were freshly produced
  • accumulate he aimed to accumulate million dollars before he turned thirty
  • retire He has no plans to retire from the fire department, because it is his dream job
  • indelible impact there is an intriguing possibility for this game to leave an indelible impact
  • there is no opinion, no slant, just the news det finns inga åsikt, ingen vinkel, bara nyheterna
  • i was a big advocate of the arts jag var en stor förespråkare för konsten
  • we are the hub of the community vi är mittpunkten i samhället

Alla Inga

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