Eng6 Vocab

Övningen är skapad 2023-04-17 av vulkanen. Antal frågor: 78.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

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  • Socket Connector - A device or part that connects two or more objects together.
  • Optimistic Hopeful - Having a positive outlook and believing that good things will happen.
  • Dedication Commitment - The act of being devoted to a task, cause, or person.
  • Aversive Repulsive - Causing a strong dislike or avoidance.
  • Unleashed Released - Set free or released from a constraint or confinement.
  • Electrify Energize - To charge with electricity or excite with great enthusiasm.
  • Primary Main - The most important or fundamental thing.
  • Jolt Shock - A sudden, unexpected movement or surprise.
  • Exploratory Investigative - Seeking to learn or discover new information.
  • Prying Intrusive - Intrusively curious or inquisitive.
  • Rigged Fixed - Manipulated or set up unfairly.
  • Arouse Stimulate - To awaken or excite someone's interest or emotions.
  • Toddler Young child - A child who is learning to walk and talk, typically between the ages of one and three.
  • Traits Characteristics - Distinguishing qualities or features of a person or thing.
  • Pivot Turning point - A crucial or central point on which something turns or depends.
  • Apprehension Anxiety - Fearful or uneasy anticipation of the future.
  • Stimuli Triggers - Something that causes a response or reaction.
  • Futile Useless - Having no useful purpose or effect.
  • Myth Legend - A traditional story, often with supernatural or legendary elements.
  • Hesitant Pausing or delaying in making a decision or taking action.
  • Reproduction Replication - The process of creating new offspring or copies
  • Expelled Ejected - Forced to leave or driven out.
  • Infantile Childish - Immature or characteristic of a baby or young child.
  • Parcel Package - A wrapped or boxed item for shipment or delivery.
  • Mammals Animals - Warm-blooded vertebrates that nurse their young with milk.
  • Ultimate Final - Concluding or decisive as the last step in a process.
  • Reside Dwell - To live or be present in a particular place.
  • Vigilance Alertness - Watchful attention or careful observation.
  • Peculiar Unusual - Strange or unique in an interesting or unusual way.
  • Boundaries Limits - The limits or edges of a particular area or concept.
  • Incurred Suffered - To experience something negative as a result of one's actions.
  • Supervise Oversee - To watch over or direct a task or group of people.
  • Inquisitive Curious - Eager to learn or know about something.
  • Adequate Sufficient - Meeting the minimum requirements or standards.
  • Capacity Ability - The power or ability to do something.
  • Characteristic Trait - A distinguishing feature or quality.
  • Genuinely Truly - In a sincere or authentic manner.
  • Descriptive Expressive - Providing details or vivid imagery.
  • Garnered Collected - Accumulated or gathered.
  • Genesis Origin - The beginning or origin of something.
  • Idyllic Picturesque - Pleasant and peaceful, like a perfect rural setting.
  • Participant Attendee - A person who takes part in an activity or event.
  • Complex Complicated - Having multiple interconnected parts or elements.
  • Dash Sprint - A brief and rapid movement or action.
  • Mythology Folklore - A collection of myths or stories related to a particular culture or tradition.
  • Poke Prod - To push or jab someone or something with a finger or pointed object.
  • Morbid Gruesome - Relating to death or disease in an unhealthy or unhealthy way.
  • Authority Power - The right or power to make decisions or enforce rules.
  • Shortcoming Deficiency - A weakness or flaw in one's abilities or character.
  • Distracted Inattentive - Not fully focused or paying attention.
  • Mitigate Alleviate - To reduce the severity or intensity of something.
  • Relative Comparative - Considered in relation to something else.
  • Evolution Development - The process of gradual change or development over time.
  • Resolve Determination - Firmness and unwavering commitment to achieving a goal.
  • Evolve Develop - To change and develop over time.
  • Outlet Vent - A passage or means by which something is released or discharged.
  • Algorithms Procedures - A set of rules or instructions for solving a problem or performing a task
  • Status Position - The social or professional position or standing of a person or group.
  • Mimic Imitate - To copy or reproduce the actions or characteristics of someone or something.
  • Endeavour Strive - To make a concerted effort towards achieving a goal.
  • Reveal Unveil - To make known or disclose something previously unknown.
  • Status quo Current state - The existing condition or state of affairs.
  • Relatively Comparatively - To a certain extent or in comparison to something else.
  • Liquid Fluid - A substance that flows freely and has no fixed shape.
  • Absorb Soak up - To take in or assimilate something.
  • Connotation Implied meaning - The emotional or cultural association that a word or phrase carries.
  • Behavioural Relating to the actions or conduct of an individual or group.
  • Tame Domesticated - Brought under human control or influence.
  • Wiggle Squirm - To move or twist one's body with small, quick motions.
  • Essential Crucial - Absolutely necessary or fundamental.
  • Infant Baby - A very young child, typically under the age of one.
  • Predict Forecast - To make an educated guess about something that will happen in the future.
  • Inherent Intrinsic - Naturally present or existing in something, as an essential characteristic.
  • Implication Consequence - A logical or necessary consequence or inference.
  • Utterly Completely - To the fullest extent or degree.
  • Idealism Optimism - The belief in the possibility of a perfect or ideal world.
  • Proverbial Famed - Widely known and frequently mentioned in proverb or speech.
  • Misfortune Adversity - A state of difficulty or hardship, typically caused by bad luck or unfortunate circumstances.

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