Engelska 12 november

Övningen är skapad 2024-11-11 av Juliamalmberg. Antal frågor: 81.

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Alla Inga

  • carbon footprint koldioxidavtryck
  • pollution förorening
  • greenhouse effect växthuseffekten
  • drought torka
  • renewable energy förnybar energi
  • finite planate ändlig planet
  • deforestation skogsavverkning
  • agriculture lantbruk/odling
  • decomposition nedbrytning
  • flourishing developing rapidly and successfully
  • dreading to be nervous of something and not wanting to do it
  • supremacy dominant
  • achieved what has been done
  • imminence about to happen
  • suboptimal not good
  • ticks small blood eating insects (fästingar)
  • grooming to take care of yours or others fur
  • fluke mistake
  • elaborate develop or present (a theory, policy, or system) in further detail
  • sophisticated fancy/complex
  • eke out make an amount or supply of something last longer by using or consuming it in small amounts
  • shuffling to randomly change the order of things
  • sequence order
  • imperfect bad/not good
  • actual current
  • determination choosing (in this context)
  • entirely only
  • opposing to set oneself against someone or something
  • payoff reward
  • Addiction A psychological or physical dependence on a substance
  • Substance Any material that can be consumed, including drugs, alcohol, or even food
  • Withdrawal Symptoms that occur when a person stops using a drug on which they have become dependent
  • Overdose The intake of a drug in quantities greater than recommended, leading to severe health risks or death
  • Tolerance A condition where the body becomes accustomed to a substance, requiring more of it to achieve the same effect
  • Rehabilitation A process through which an individual recovers from addiction, often involving therapy and support programs
  • Psychoactive A term used to describe substances that affect the mind, altering mood, perception, or consciousness
  • Stimulant A type of drug that increases activity in the central nervous system, often enhancing alertness and energy
  • Depressant A class of drugs that reduce the activity of the central nervous system, often causing relaxation and drowsiness
  • Hallucinogen A substance that alters perception and thought, often causing hallucinations or surreal experiences
  • Narcotic A term commonly used for drugs that relieve pain but can also induce drowsiness and addiction
  • Prescription A written order from a qualified healthcare provider for a specific medication.
  • Illicit Relating to substances that are illegal or prohibited by law.
  • Dosage The specific amount and frequency of medication or drugs to be taken
  • Pharmacology The branch of medicine that studies drugs and their effects on the body
  • Cell membrane cellmembran
  • Golgi Apparatus golgi-apparaten
  • Nucleus (cellens)kärna
  • Vascuole vaskuol
  • Mitochondria mitokondrie
  • Endoplasmic reticulum endoplastiskt retikulum
  • Lysosome lysosomer
  • Cytoplasm cytoplasma
  • Ribosome ribosom
  • Plant cell växtcell
  • Chloroplast kloroplast
  • Cell wall cellvägg
  • Eukaryote eukaryote
  • Sediment Small particles of rock and organic material where fossils are often found
  • Mold A fossilized imprint left by an organism in rock
  • Cast A fossil that forms when minerals fill a mold, creating a replica of the organism
  • Preservation The process of maintaining parts of an organism as a fossil
  • Carbonization A type of fossilization where only the carbon outline of an organism is left
  • Era A long period of geological time, marked by different fossilized life forms
  • Marine Fossils Fossils of ocean-dwelling organisms, like shells or corals
  • Geology The study of rocks, where fossils are often found
  • Excavation The process of digging up fossils
  • Petrified When organic material turns into stone, preserving a fossil
  • Expand expandera, utöka
  • Escalate eskalera, trappas upp
  • Theoretical teoretisk
  • Compensate kompensera, ersätta
  • Unpleasant otrevlig
  • Phenomena fenomen
  • Merge slå samman
  • Plausible trolig, rimlig
  • Disband lösa upp, skingra
  • Dissolve lösa upp
  • Finite ändlig
  • Exhaust uttömma, förbruka
  • Devour uppsluka
  • draught teckning, utkast, (vind)drag/tvärdrag

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