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Övningen är skapad 2024-09-02 av Ebbaliljek. Antal frågor: 139.

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  • humbled made to feel less important
  • bestow formal give
  • bear (bore, borne) endure, tolerate
  • ancestor family member who lived a long time age
  • transition process of change
  • rising tides of increases in
  • amidst literary in the middle of
  • raging forceful, violent
  • high office leading position, top job
  • forbears formal ancestor
  • founding here historical
  • documents papers relating to the creation of the US
  • in the midst of formal in the middle of
  • far-reaching having a great effect
  • shed get rid of
  • shutter ame a close (a business)
  • adversary enemy, opponent
  • subject to dependent on, informed by
  • sap weaken
  • nagging persistent and worrying
  • decline fall, weakening
  • sights here ambitions, expectations
  • span of time period of time
  • discord formal disagreement
  • proclaim say something publicly
  • petty unimportant
  • recriminations criticizing someone who has criticized you
  • dogma belief, principle
  • strangle here stop something developing
  • scripture the bible
  • enduring lasting
  • hold office have an important job or position
  • secure here achieve succeed in getting something
  • presidency the job, or period of being president
  • prose written or spoken language in its ordinary form
  • penchant formal liking, preference;tendency
  • knack informal skill, ability
  • inaugural first, opening
  • prime of very high quality
  • precious valuable
  • pursue try to achieve
  • settle for accept
  • faint-hearted not brave
  • leisure free time
  • doer an active person who achieves things
  • rugged literary difficult
  • worldly possessions everything you own
  • toil literary work hard
  • sweatshop factory with bad working conditions
  • time and again often, repeatedly
  • raw very sore, painful
  • faction minority group
  • prosperous rich and succesful
  • inventive creative
  • goods objects to be sold
  • undiminished not reduced
  • stand pat ame remain unchanged
  • remake make again, in a different way
  • foundation here basis, structure
  • electric grid network for distributing electricity
  • restore bring back, re-establish
  • wield use
  • harness control and make use of
  • swill liquid waste
  • humanity sympathy towards other people
  • mutual shared
  • globe literary the world
  • sow here create, introduce
  • judge form an opinion about
  • destroy ruin, tear down
  • deceit dishonesty, tricking people
  • silence here make quiet
  • dissent strong disagreement with general opinion
  • extend formal offer
  • unclench here open
  • pledge promise
  • flourish develop and be succesful
  • flow run freely
  • nourish feed
  • plenty formal large quantities of food
  • indifference lack of interest/sympathy
  • suffering pain
  • consume here use up
  • without regard to without considering
  • arlington a military cemetery in the us
  • guardian person who gards something
  • embody be a symbol of
  • service here duty
  • inhabit literary live in
  • determination pursuing a goal without giving up
  • rely upon need
  • levee a wall built to stop a river flooding
  • selflessness the opposite of being selfish
  • nurture take care of
  • fair play honest behaviour, fairness
  • grudgingly not willingly
  • satisfying pleasing
  • citizenship belonging to a country
  • destiny fate
  • creed formal a set of beliefs
  • magnificent very impressive/ beautiful¨
  • mall promenade, public walkaway
  • remembrance formal memory of an event
  • huddle sit tight
  • shores here edge
  • outcome final result
  • virtue good personal qualities
  • hardship pain, suffering
  • brave here endure, face up to
  • grace love and kindness (of god)
  • soil part of the earth where plants grow
  • common here general, shared
  • Founding Fathers the people who made the US a country
  • peril literary danger, risk
  • draft write
  • charter official document describing laws and rights
  • expedience formal doing what is easy rather than morally right
  • sake purpose, benefit
  • peoples nations
  • grand large, impressive
  • face down confront, stand up to
  • sturdy strong
  • alliance union, pact between countries
  • conviction belief
  • entitle someone to give someone the right to
  • emanate from formal come from
  • justness fairness
  • cause here aim, principle
  • temper formal make milder, less extreme
  • humility behaving in a humble way
  • legacy something that exist as a result of a past event/ action
  • forge develop, create
  • foe literary enemy
  • roll back ame reduce
  • specter ame sp. an unpleasant possibility
  • waver hesitate, weaken
  • advance here try to reach
  • patchwork something made up of many different parts
  • heritage inheritance, tradition

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