Engelska glosor definitioner/synonymer

Övningen är skapad 2023-08-29 av Jack98211. Antal frågor: 29.

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  • DISPLACED To remove from the usual or proper place
  • ABATING Something become less intense or widespread
  • ANNEXED to takeover something
  • PENINSULA Large piece of land that’s almost surrounded by water but still connected to mainland.
  • PRESENT something happening now or existing right now
  • RATIFICATIONS the action of signing or giving formal consent to a contract
  • APPROVAL an act or instance of approving/say yes to something
  • HEART-WRENCHING something that makes your heart break
  • IGNITION the action of igniting a fire like the fuel in a car
  • DEVESTATING Something that can cause a lot of damage
  • APOCALYPTIC showing or describing the total destruction and end of the world, or extremely bad future event
  • INDICTED It’s when you are accused of a crime
  • CIVIL OFFENCES means an offence punishable under any written law in force other than military offence.
  • CONSPIRING to agree together, especially secretly, to do something wrong, evil or illegal
  • DEFRAUD swindle
  • IMPEDING To stop something from happening
  • INCITING to move to action
  • ALLEGED something that is believed to be true but not proved
  • UNDERMINING To weaken someone else’s opinion
  • WILDFIRE A large and destructive fire that spreads quickly
  • OUTRIVAL To outperform someone in a competition
  • DISGRUNTLED Unhappy and annoyed
  • CARCINOGENIC something is carcinogenic if it can cause or increase chances of cancer
  • INSECTICIDES A chemical substance made and used for killing insects
  • RENDERS cause to be/become
  • JOINTLY HOSTED Arranged together
  • ICON a person admired for having great influence
  • ICONOCLASTIC criticizing/attacking cherished beliefs or institutions
  • BLOCKBUSTER for a big movie with a lot of money put in to it

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