Engelska glosor Unit 4

Övningen är skapad 2024-02-18 av 07oscska. Antal frågor: 35.

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Alla Inga

  • Ethnicites That people belong to different races and culture
  • Artificial Made by humans, not naturally
  • Protectorate a state that is controlled and protected by another
  • Abolish Formally put an end to system, practice, institution, etc.
  • Indigenous Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place
  • Epitome the typical or highest example of a stated quality, as shown by a particular person or thing
  • Colonel an officer of high rank in the army or air force
  • Colony an area controlled politically by a more powerful country
  • Concession the act or an instance of conceding (as by granting something as a right)
  • Partition devide into parts
  • Imperialism a policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means
  • Merchant A person involved in buying and selling items, usually between different countries
  • Authentic Not false or imitation, real/actual.
  • Opposition Resistance or dissent, expressed in action or argument.
  • Outlaw make illegal
  • Dignity calm, serious and controlled behaviour, makes people respect you
  • Alienated Feeling that you have no connection with people around your or that you are not a part of a group
  • Tribe a social group made of many families, clans or generations that share the same language, beliefs and customs
  • Paganism a religion that worships many gods, especially a religion that existed before the main world religions
  • Governance The act of governing or overseeing the controll and direction of someting (such as a country or organization).
  • Cohesion the action of forming a united whole.
  • Acquisition the process of getting something
  • Manufactured produced on a large scale using machinery or (of a story) made up
  • Affiliated officially attached or connected to an organization
  • Proclaim a public or official announcement dealing with a matter of great importance
  • Code-switch to change between two or more languages, dialects (= forms of a language), or accents (= ways of pronouncing words) when you are speaking
  • Stereotype a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong
  • Prejudice an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge
  • Subjugation the action of bringing someone or somthing under domination or control
  • Multiculturalism the belief that different cultures within a society should all be given importance
  • Emancipation the process of giving people social or political freedom and rights
  • Ethnic relating or belonging to a group of people who can be seen as distinct (= different) because they have a shared culture, tradition, language, history, etc.
  • Custom a way of behaving or a belief that has been established for a long time
  • Circumscribe to limit something
  • Preconceived (of an idea or an opinion) formed too early, especially without enough thought or knowledge

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