Engelska glosor

Övningen är skapad 2024-09-03 av Alexander911. Antal frågor: 41.

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Alla Inga

  • hold office have an important job or position
  • secure succeed in getting something
  • presidency the job or period of being president
  • prose written or spoken language in its odrinary form
  • penchant formal liking, preference
  • knack informal skill
  • inaugrual first, opening
  • prime high quality of a career
  • humbled made to feel less important
  • bestow formal way to say give
  • bear tolerate
  • ancestor family member who lived a long time ago
  • transition process of change
  • rising tides of increases in
  • amidst literary in the middle of
  • raging forceful, violent
  • high office leading posistion, top job
  • forebears formal for ancestors
  • founding here historical
  • documents papers relating to the creation of the us
  • in the midst of formal in the middle of
  • far-reaching having a great effect
  • shed get rid of
  • shutter a business
  • adversary opponent
  • subjet to dependent on, informed by
  • sap weaken
  • nagging persistent and worrying
  • decline fall, weakening
  • sights expectations
  • span of time period of time
  • discord formal disagreement
  • proclaim say something publicly
  • pretty unimportant
  • grievance complaint
  • recriminations criticizing somone who has criticized you
  • dogma belief, principle
  • strangle stop something developing
  • scripture the bible
  • reaffirm state something again
  • enduring lasting

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