Övningen är skapad 2024-11-11 av mirandaolsson. Antal frågor: 25.

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  • Ascertain VERB To determine or discover definitely. "Something ascertain"
  • Ascribe VERB To credit or assign, as to a particular origin or period. "To ascribe parts of a play to Shakespeare"
  • Abhor VERB To regard with horror or loathing.
  • Acrimonious ADJECTIVE Bitter and sharp in language or tone.
  • Adept ADJECTIVE Very skilled or accomplished, an expert.
  • Bemused ADJECTIVE A way to describe someone who looks confused, distracted and bewildered.
  • Baffle VERB To confuse someone in order to distract them from doing something.
  • Bane NOUN Something that causes harm repeatedly. "Causes more bane than boon"
  • Behoove VERB Something you have to do.
  • Candid ADJECTIVE To be open and sincere in one's expression, straightforward.
  • Conclusively ADVERB To put an end to something.
  • Construe VERB To understand the meaning of other people's actions and statements.
  • Circumlocution NOUN To use an unnecessarily large amount of words to express an idea. Circle around the meaning. You never get to the point.
  • Connotation NOUN Another meaning of a word. A secondary definition.
  • Deign VERB Hesitant to ask for something.
  • Derogatory ADJECTIVE Disrespectful.
  • Disdain Noun Something does not deserve the attention. To refuse something.
  • Detrimental ADJECTIVE Damaging, harmful
  • Debilitate VERB To make you weak in your strength and system.
  • Lemon Law A law requiring an automobile manufacturer or dealer to replace, repair, or refund the cost of an automobile that proves to be defective after purchase.
  • Let the good times go To have as much fun or live life as richly as possible.
  • Like a chicken with a pip In low spirits, in a weak or sickened state or manner. Feeling ill.
  • Like (one's) life depends on it With maximum, possibly desperate effort or energy. As if you're going to die if you fail.
  • (It's) little wonder It's not at all surprising.
  • Bottom of the ninth Intense situation, final play. Often used in baseball.

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