Engelska v.6 - who / which

Övningen är skapad 2025-01-28 av sofiamansarp. Antal frågor: 22.

Välj frågor (22)

Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • A chef is a person who cooks food in a restaurant
  • Is that the car which was speedning?
  • That's the girl who works in a restaurant
  • Lions are animals which live in Africa
  • Where is the picture which was on the wall?
  • I have a friend who is very good at repairing cars
  • A coffee-maker is a machine which makes coffee
  • We bought some books, which were very interesting
  • Alexander Bell was the man who invented the telephone
  • The woman who is sitting at the desk is Mrs. Winter's secretary
  • She didn't see the snake which was laying on the ground
  • The shoes which my mother bought for me are too big.
  • who is your favorite superhero?
  • which book are you reading right now?
  • who do you want to sit next to in class?
  • which of these animals is the fastest?
  • This is the boy who always hels me with my homework
  • The movie which we watched yesterday was amazing
  • My friend who lives next door has a cute dog
  • The cake which I baked turned out really tasty
  • The jacket which I bought last week is already broken
  • He is the one who told me about the new game

Alla Inga

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