
Övningen är skapad 2025-01-26 av alimar0719. Antal frågor: 50.

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Alla Inga

  • abstain to choose not to do or have something
  • adversity difficulties or misfortune
  • aesthetic concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty
  • amicable characterized by or showing goodwill;friendly
  • extremely dry or lacking in interest or excitement
  • asylum a place of safety or protection, especially for those seeking refuge
  • benevolent well meaning and kind
  • bias a tendency yo favor one side or perspective over another, often unfairly
  • boisterous noisy, energetic and cheerful
  • camaraderie mutual trust and friendship among people who spend time together
  • capitulate To surrender or give in after resistance
  • Clairvoyant Having or claiming to have the ability to see events in the future
  • Compassion Sympathetic concern for the sufferings of others.
  • Compromise An agreement reached by mutual concessions.
  • Condescending Showing a superior attitude toward others.
  • Conformist A person who follows accepted behaviors or established customs.
  • Diligent Showing careful and persistent effort
  • Disdain The feeling that someone or something is unworthy of respect.
  • Empathy The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
  • Ephemeral Lasting for a very short time.
  • Evanescent Soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; fleeting.
  • Exemplary Worthy of imitation; serving as an example.
  • Fortuitous Happening by chance, often in a fortunate way.
  • Frugal Economical and avoiding waste.
  • Hackneyed Lacking originality; overused.
  • Haughty Arrogantly superior and disdainful.
  • Hypothesis A proposed explanation made on limited evidence.
  • Impetuous Acting quickly without thought or care.
  • Inconsequential Not important or significant.
  • Inevitable Certain to happen; unavoidable.
  • Intrepid Fearless and adventurous.
  • Jubilation A feeling of great happiness and triumph.
  • Longevity Long life or duration.
  • Mundane Lacking interest or excitement; ordinary.
  • Nonchalant Appearing calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety.
  • Opulent Ostentatiously rich and luxurious.
  • Orator A skilled public speaker.
  • Ostentatious Designed to impress or attract notice; showy.
  • Precocious Having developed abilities at an earlier age than usual.
  • Procrastinate To delay or postpone action.
  • Prudent Acting with care and thought for the future
  • Querulous Complaining in a petulant or whining manner.
  • Reclusive Avoiding the company of others; solitary.
  • Restrained Controlled or moderate; not excessive.
  • Sagacity The quality of having good judgment and discernment.
  • Scrutinise To examine closely and thoroughly
  • Spontaneity condition of being spontaneous; acting on impulse.
  • Superficial Existing on the surface; lacking depth.
  • Superfluous Unnecessary or more than enough.
  • Tenacious Holding firmly to something; persistent.

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