English - vocabulary

Övningen är skapad 2024-01-31 av MIKES. Antal frågor: 22.

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Alla Inga

  • Jeopardize (v.) to put in danger (ex. A career)
  • Implausible (adj.) not reasonable, unlikley, doubtful
  • Feign (v.) false appearance
  • Animosity (n.) strong hostility, unfriendliness, bitterness, ill feeling
  • Converge (v.) to approach each other; come together
  • Blindside (v.) to catch off guard; to take by surprise
  • Hinder (v.) interrupt the normal flow of something
  • Scorn (n.) a feeling of contempt, that somebody's unworthy
  • Recoil (v.) to pull back (in disgust, horror, surprise)
  • Alienating (adj.) making someone feel isolated or estranged
  • Disruptive (adj.) making something difficult to achieve
  • Unequivocal (adj.) leaving no doubt
  • Consensus (n.) agreement
  • Camp (n.) group of people agreeing on a controversial topic
  • Dispute (v.) to argue or question
  • Dispute (n.) a debate
  • Contender (n.) someone qualified/competing to win something
  • Deride (v.) make fun of something
  • Scrutinize (v.) examine/inspect closely/thoroughly
  • Vacillate (v.) waver between options
  • Callous (adj.) being insensitive towards others
  • Arduous (adj.) something involving a lot of effort and work

Alla Inga

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