genetics col 2, mitochondrial genome

Övningen är skapad 2024-04-03 av feliciajonsssson. Antal frågor: 12.

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  • mtDNA has circular or linear structure circular
  • the mitochondrial DNA has low or high number of copy high
  • mtDNA has higher mutation rate than nuclear DNA. TRUE OR FALSE true
  • mitochondrial disorders = genetic diseases that result from abnormalities in ... mitochondria
  • mitochondrial disorders are always inherited from mother
  • people with mitochondrial disorders will have problems with ... production energy
  • organs that mostly will be affected by mitochondrial disorder (3 st) brain, liver, skeletal muscles
  • what is this called: cells having some healthy and some sick mitochondria heteroplasmy
  • what is this called: a percentage has to be reached to give pathology. e.g., 60-90% of mitochondria has to be damaged to give pathology threshold effect
  • what is this called: causes some more or less pathological mitochondria to be passed through to the children, Most children have the same severity but 1 is much more affected. bottleneck effect
  • mitochondrial dysfunction can result from mutations in either mitochondrial DNA or nuclear DNA. TRUE OR FALSE true
  • Many nuclear genes encode proteins that are targeted to the mitochondria. mutations in these nuclear genes can disrupt mitochondrial function. TRUE OR FALSE true

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