genetics col 2, robertsonian and reciprocal

Övningen är skapad 2024-04-08 av feliciajonsssson. Antal frågor: 15.

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  • a mutual exchange between terminal ends of chromosomes are: reciprocal translocation
  • person with karyotype: 46, XY, t (7, 16) has robertsonian or reciprocal reciprocal
  • reciprocal translocation is loss of genetic material. TRUE OR FALSE false
  • person with reciprocal translocation have .. possible gametes (write a number) 4
  • translocations in which 2 acrocentric chromosomes fuse at their centric ends is ... ... robertsonian translocation
  • chromosomes which can have robertsonian translocation 13, 14, 15, 21, 22
  • in reciprocal translocation healthy gametes are always (write a fraction) 1/2
  • individual with reciprocal translocation is always healthy but can have sick gametes TRUE OR FALSE true
  • person with karyotype: 45, XY, rob (13, 14) has robertsonian translocation
  • person with robertsonian translocation is healthy TRUE OR FALSE true
  • which translocation is found in 1 of 1000 individuals? robertsonian
  • Rob (13q, 14q) and rob (14q, 21q) are the most common constituting ~ 85% of all ROBs. TRUE OR FALSE true
  • person with robertsonian translocation can have ... possible gametes (write a number) 6
  • homolougus robertsonian translocation: E.g. 45 XX rob (21, 21) -> how many gametes in total AND how many will healthy 2, 0
  • in robertsonian translocation SICK gametes can be? (write the 5 possible fraction) 1, 1/2, 1/3, 2/3, 1/4

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