
Övningen är skapad 2018-01-25 av hlebnikovspjotrs. Antal frågor: 15.

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Alla Inga

  • the cats' tails katternas svansar
  • yesterday's problems gårdagens problem
  • Finlands' history / the history of Finland Finlands historia
  • The end of the journey Resans slut
  • The colour of the car Bilens färg
  • at my uncle's hos min farbror
  • The President of our country vårt lands president
  • women's thoughts kvinnors tankar
  • The earth's population / the population of the earth jordens befolkning
  • (Janes jobb) Jane's job is rather difficult
  • Could you give me (Mr Ewings adress) Mr Ewing's adress please?
  • We are having four (veckors semester) four weeks' vacation
  • Not until we reach the top of the mountain (bergets topp).
  • (Fårens svansar) The sheeps' tails are fairly short.
  • (Färgen på dörren) The colour of the door has been changed

Alla Inga

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