Grammar UNI

Övningen är skapad 2024-09-14 av JenniferSalminen. Antal frågor: 25.

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  • Determiners Words that precede head nouns in a noun phrase.
  • Articles a/an, the
  • Cardinal numbers one, two, 25
  • a/an, the Articles within Central Determiners
  • Multipliers Triple, twice, 10 times
  • Fractions One-half, one-tenth
  • Demonstrative determiners This/that, these/those
  • Posessive determiners My, your, their
  • Nouns as posessive determiners Sarah's, president's, supervisor's
  • Quantifiers Both, any, many, much, few
  • Partitives Slice of, bottle of, glass of
  • Predeterminers Quantifiers, multipliers, fractions
  • Central Determiners Quantifiers, articles, possessive determiners, nouns as possessive, demonstrative determiners
  • Postdeterminers Quantifiers, cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers, partitives
  • All, both, each Quantifiers within predeterminers
  • Any, every, some Quantifiers within Central Determiners
  • Many, much, few, little, less, least, more, most Quantifiers within Postdeterminers
  • Double, twice, five times Multipliers within Predeterminers
  • Three-fourths, two-fifths Fractions within Predeterminers
  • My, our, your Possessive determiners within Central Determiners
  • John's, Anne's Nouns as possessive determiners within Central Determiners
  • This/that Demonstrative determiners within Central Determiners
  • One, two Cardinal numbers within Postdeterminers
  • First, second,another, next, last Ordinal Numbers within Postdeterminers
  • Glass of, bottle of, jar of Partitives within Postdeterminers

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