Gun Control in the USA

Övningen är skapad 2023-09-14 av TeacherMalena. Antal frågor: 13.

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  • constitution the set of laws and principles that a country's government must obey:
  • persecution to treat someone unfairly or cruelly because of their race, religion, or beliefs:
  • infringe to break a law or rule
  • feudal relating to a social system in the past in which people worked and fought for a lord (= a man of high rank) in exchange for land and protection
  • hierarchy a system or organization in which people or things are arranged according to their importance
  • stark reality The reality of a situation is the truth about it, especially when it is unpleasant or difficult to deal with.
  • bipartisan involving two political parties:
  • incentivize to make someone want to do something:
  • law enforcement the activity of making certain that the laws of an area are obeyed:
  • outgun you are beaten because your rival is stronger or better than you.
  • firearm a gun that can be carried easily:
  • culprit someone who has done something wrong:
  • fierce physically violent and frightening:

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