HFW 1-25

Övningen är skapad 2020-09-04 av carwin. Antal frågor: 50.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • you du
  • that det/den där
  • was var (efter he, she och it)
  • with med
  • his hans, sin
  • they de
  • they're de är, de ska
  • I'm jag är
  • this den/det här
  • have har
  • haven't har inte
  • having ska ha
  • from från
  • what vad
  • were var (efter you, we, they)
  • when när
  • your din
  • said sa
  • there där
  • each varje, var och en
  • which vilket, vilken
  • their deras
  • will ska, kommer att
  • other andra
  • about om
  • I'm so glad that you (du) came to school today.
  • Makeba looked up and shouted, "What is that ?" (det där)
  • What was (var) the first book you ever read?
  • Victor walked with (med) Ivan to the gym.
  • Mario put his (sin) reading book into his book bag.
  • They (de) all signed Clara's birthday card.
  • They're (De ska) going to the library.
  • I'm (jag är) looking for a good fantasy book.
  • This (den här) book is written by my favorite author.
  • How many books have (har) you read this year?
  • We haven't (har inte) found the missing basketball.
  • We are having (ska ha) a publication party.
  • From (från) where do you get your writing ideas?
  • What (vad) are you working on in your writing?
  • Jose and Mable were (var) straightening the library.
  • When (när) are we going to lunch today?
  • Don't forget to take your (din) book home today.
  • Mario said (sa) "J.K. Rowling is my favorite author".
  • Do you want to read here or there (där) ?
  • At the assembly, each (varje) writer got a certificate.
  • Which (vilket) draft will you revise today?
  • The Rapid Readers invited Eddie to join their (deras) book club.
  • How many pages will (ska) you read at home tonight?
  • Nakeshia sat on the other (andra) bench during reading.
  • I just finished a book about (om) crocodile fossils.

Alla Inga

Utdelad övning

