Övningen är skapad 2023-10-27 av hannahentze. Antal frågor: 22.

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  • When did Cristopher Columbus discover America? 1492
  • What were the indigenous people living in the us first called? Taino's or the Arawaks
  • When did the first slave ship come? 1619
  • When and what was the name of the first European colony? 1565, St Augustine
  • When was the 30 year war? 1618-1648
  • What was the stono rebellion? It happened 1739. Slaves killed white people
  • What was the aftermath of the stono rebellion? The negro act (slaves could not earn money, move, learn to write etc
  • What was the slave trade act? an official act for ending slavery, 1807.
  • Who was Andrew Jackson? He was the birth of the democrat party. He was an Indian killer (the trail of tears)
  • What was the naturalization act? 1619. Allowed free Europeans to be naturalized (own land and property)
  • Three components of the market revolution? Transportation, industrialization, commercialization
  • When was the market revolution? 1820
  • What was the three eras of policing? the political era, the reform era, and the community era
  • When was the civil war? 1861-1865
  • What was the aftermath of the civil war? 13, 14, 15 amendment, the civil right act
  • Who was William Lloyd Garrison? Anti-slavery newspaper "The Liberator"
  • What was Johnson v. M’intosh, 1823? A supreme court case that established doctrine of discovery (natives could no longer own their land)
  • The Haitian Revolution series of conflicts between Haitian slaves and colonists
  • Naturalization Act, 1790? the congress defined eligibility for citizenships by naturalization
  • Doctrine of Discovery? It allowed Christian nations to take control over non-Christian lands. This doctrine was used to justify colonization.
  • The Second Great Awakening? Religious revival that formed women's right, ending slavery and temperance.
  • what are new immigrants immigrants 1820-1920 from southern and eastern europe

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