History of Literature

Övningen är skapad 2021-09-27 av Engelskaglossida. Antal frågor: 58.

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Alla Inga

  • Rebirth The Renaissance
  • During: 1400's-1600's The Renaissance
  • Henry the VIII The Renaissance
  • The Golden Times The Renaissance
  • Social classes strictly enforced The Renaissance
  • Royal was a link between God and humans The Renaissance
  • Theatre became popular The Renaissance
  • Shakespeare The Renaissance
  • Marlowe The Renaissance
  • Heliocentric introduces by Copernicus The Renaissance
  • Emotions and feelings The Renaissance
  • Imperalism The Renaissance
  • Gutenberg printing press The Renaissance
  • Reading became a communal knowledge The Renaissance
  • Structure to writing. (Spelling and grammar) The Renaissance
  • Authorship became important The Renaissance
  • Latin and Greek faded out The Renaissance
  • Sonnets The Renaissance
  • How many lines in a sonnet? 14
  • What are the two last lines in a sonnet called? Couplets
  • Church starts to loses its central position The Renaissance
  • Invidual became more important The Renaissance
  • People became less obsessed with death and started focus on their lives The Renaissance
  • 1660-1798 The Restoration
  • The monarchy were destroyed then restored again The Restoration
  • Queen Elisabeth-The Virgin Queen The Renaissance
  • The royals does not sees as a link between God and humans anymore The Restoration
  • Freedom is important The Restoration
  • Expand our knowledge, lot of sience, more people can read The Restoration
  • Urbanization due to industrialization The Restoration
  • Rise of the middle class The Restoration
  • Daniel Defoe The Restoration
  • Jonathan Swift The Restoration
  • Robinson Crusoe (author) ? Daniel Defoe
  • A Modest Proposal (Author) ? Jonathan Swift
  • Gulliver's Travels (author) ? Jonathan Swift
  • Prose The Restoration
  • Writing has a lot of details and facts The Restoration
  • People can relate to facts not feelings The Restoration
  • More gothic, tired of light and brightness The Romantic Age
  • 1798-1830 The Romantic Age
  • As a reaction to the Enlightenment The Romantic Age
  • People longed for the sublime nature The Romantic Age
  • Feelings, the darkness of humans The Romantic Age
  • Chaos and nostalgia The Romantic Age
  • Imagination and dreams, writing to evoke feelings The Romantic Age
  • Individualism and uniqueness The Romantic Age
  • Literature becomes personal The Romantic Age
  • Horror becomes popular The Romantic Age
  • Birth of gothic literature The Romantic Age
  • Storytelling and poems The Romantic Age
  • Edgar Allen Poe The Romantic Age
  • Marry Shelly The Romantic Age
  • William Wordsworth The Romantic Age
  • The tell Tale Heart (author) ? Edgar Allen Poe
  • Frankeinstein (author) ? Marry Shelly
  • The Lake District (author) ? William Wordsworth
  • Straight from the heart The Romantic Age

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