Holly's Heroes 7

Övningen är skapad 2024-03-07 av MsEriksson. Antal frågor: 25.

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  • a crunch time an important moment when you must make a decision or take action
  • an underdog a person, team or country that is thought to be in a weaker position than others and therefore not likely to be successful, win a competition
  • to humiliate to make somebody feel ashamed or stupid
  • a hiccup a small problem
  • an ability the fact that somebody/something is able to do something
  • wobbly not certain or confident
  • to nab to take or get something
  • to hydrate to make something/somebody take in and hold water
  • the opposition the people you are competing against
  • to sulk to look angry and refuse to speak or smile because you want people to know that you are upset about something
  • seriously in a serious way
  • serious bad or dangerous
  • ill not feeling well
  • to rule to control and have authority over a country or a group of people
  • a stage fright nervous feelings felt by performers before they appear in front of an audience
  • biased making unfair judgements
  • a ref the person who controls the game in some sports
  • a substitution one person or thing in the place of another
  • a laughing stock ​a person that everyone laughs at because they have done something stupid
  • secretive tending or liking to hide your thoughts, feelings or actions from other people
  • awesome very impressive
  • to fall out (with somebody) to have an argument with somebody
  • to detect to discover or notice something
  • to muck about to behave in a silly way
  • famous known about by many people

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