
Övningen är skapad 2024-04-04 av feliciajonsssson. Antal frågor: 5.

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  • Imprinting means that one gene from one parent is ..., and gene from the other parent is ... silenced, expressed
  • Imprinting disorders are a group of congenital (medfödda) diseases that is affecting genomically imprinted chromosomal regions and genes: TRUE/FALSE true
  • imprinting disorders will affect ..., ..., ..., ... ... ... (4st) growth, development, metabolism, common molecular disturbances
  • Imprinting DISORDER means that 1 in the pair of genes is ... (...) and the other copy is ... -> meaning no part of this gene is ... silenced, imprinted, lost, expressed
  • which syndromes can be caused by imprinting (3st) angelman syndrome, prader willi syndrome, beckwith wiedemann syndrome

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