Kapitel 7

Övningen är skapad 2023-10-09 av JosefinnNilsson. Antal frågor: 8.

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  • Chemical- energy content, Material balance When all the food intake and feces is measure and subtracted from each other to calculate the metabolic rate
  • Basal metabolic rate Normalized measure for animals that regulated their body temperature like birds and mammals
  • Standard metabolic rate Used to animals that adapt their body temperature to the environment temperature like amphibians and fish
  • Respiratory measured by consumed oxygen or produced carbon dioxide to calculate the heat that have been produced
  • Direct metabolic rate heat to the greatest degree
  • Indirect metabolic rate rate of respiratiory gas exchange with it’s enviromentmätning, eller chemical energy content of the organic matter that enters and leave an animal’s body
  • Degrade When animals make chemical, electrical or mechanical energy into heat
  • Physiological work work like converting macromolecules into protein, active transport through the membrane or movement of muscles

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