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Övningen är skapad 2023-03-16 av andersson0513. Antal frågor: 115.

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  • Amorphous non-crystalline
  • Anisotropy directionality of properties
  • close-packed direction close-packed planes, as FCC and BCC
  • crystal structure the manner in which atoms, ions, or molecules are arranged
  • interplanar distance distance between two structure planes.
  • interstitial atom between two other atoms were it should not be
  • Isotropy properties independent of direction
  • Lattice parameter axial length of unit cell
  • lattice point corners of a unit cell
  • Degree of packing APF
  • Planar density Number of atoms centred on plane
  • Polymorphism more than one crystal structure
  • repeat distance distance between two repeating units in a crystalline structure
  • unit cell Crystal structures are specified geometry and atom positions within
  • Hydrocarbon chains consist of hydrogen and carbon bonding via van der waals bonding
  • Zigzag structure carbon atoms form a zigzag pattern
  • Cross-linking linear chains are joined one to another by covalent bonds
  • Branching side-branch chains are connected to the main ones
  • Monomer small molecule from which a polymer is synthesized
  • Repeat unit long molecules repeated along a chain
  • Polymerization process of reacting monomer molecules together to form polymer chains
  • Homopolymer the repeat units are the same type
  • Degree of polymerization average number of repeat units in a chain
  • Stereoisomerism atoms are linked together in the same order
  • Tacticity R-groups are situated
  • Tacticity 3 types isotactic, syndiotactic, atactic
  • Tacticity - Isotactic all R-groups same side
  • Tacticity - Syndiotactic alternate sides of the chain
  • Tacticity - atactic random positioning
  • Geometric isomerism Chain configurations within repeat units having a double bond
  • Copolymers composed of two or more kinds of repeat units
  • Thermoplastic soften upon heating, branched structures, recycle
  • vacancy An atomic space missing an atom in a atomic plane
  • grain An individual crystal
  • grain boundary separating two grains
  • Thermosetting do not soften upon heating, crosslinked, network, not able to recycle
  • Crystalline polymer composed of randomly oriented molecules
  • Frenkel defects ionic solid, a cation vacancy and a cation interstitial pair
  • Schottky defects ionic solid, a defect consisting of both an anion and a cation vacancy
  • Arrhenius relationship between temperature and reaction rates
  • Activation energy Q, the energy needed to start the reaction
  • Diffusion transfer of mass
  • Grain boundary diffusion grain boundaries are a bunch of misalignments, an intermediate activation energy allows mass flow, and increases the density
  • grain growth grain boundary diffusion, big grains growth
  • interstitial diffusion Atoms go from a nterstitial position to a neighboring one that is empty
  • Self-diffusion atomic migrations in pure metals
  • Vacancy diffusion lattice position to an adjacent vacant lattice site or vacancy
  • Lattice diffusion atomic diffusion within a crystalline lattice
  • creep time dependent permanent deformation
  • ductility material's ability to undergo plastic deformation
  • elongation at fracture How much the material has plastically deformed before fracture
  • fatigue limit the large number of fluctuating stress that a material can endure without breaking
  • fracture toughness resistance to fracture
  • hardness resistance of surface deformation
  • impact toughness how much energy a material takes up when impacted
  • UTS ultimate tensile strength
  • ductile-brittle transition temperature when a material goes from ductile behavior to brittle behavior
  • viscoelasticity type of deformation of both viscous flow and elastic deformation
  • ductility ability to undergo appreciable plastic deformation
  • resilience capacity to absorb energy
  • glass transition transition upon cooling when a polymer goes from liquid to rubbery to a rigid solid
  • slip plastic deformation as the result of dislocation motion
  • twin formation Forms between two crystals pieces who mirror images of each other
  • grain boundary strengthening changing crystalline grain sizes and therefore modifying the overall grain boundary are
  • solution hardening adding impurity atoms
  • strain hardening movement of dislocations and generation of new ones
  • cold working plastic deformation of a metal at a temperature below that at which it recrystallize
  • annealing metal going through a heat treatment after it has been cold-worked, recrystallize
  • recovery The relief of some of the internal strain energy of a previously cold-work metal, usually by heat treatment, increasing the rate of diffusion
  • recrystallization new strain free grain within a cold worked material
  • residual stresses material free of external forces or temperature gradients
  • vulcanizing non reversible chemical reaction involving sulfur
  • fracture mechanics fracture analysis
  • fractography study of propagation
  • impact toughness measure of the energy absorbed during the fracture of a specimen
  • fatigue failure at relatively low stress levels
  • crazing often occurs when fracturing some thermoplastics
  • Gibbs phase rule relationship between the number of phases present and the number of externally controllable variables
  • phase diagram: representation of the relationships among environmental constraints, compositions
  • binary phase diagram plots temperature against the relative concentrations of two substances
  • isomorphous phase diagram The same crystal structure or complete solid solubility for all compositions
  • solidus melting begins upon equilibrium heating or solidification is complete upon equilibrium cooling
  • liquidus boundary separating liquid- and liquid+solid-phase regions
  • solvus limit of solid solubility
  • eutectic lamellar microstructure microstructure composed of fine, alternating, layers of different materials in the form of lamellar
  • hypereutectic the concentration of solute is greater than the eutectoid composition
  • hypoeutectic the concentration of solute is less than the eutectoid composition
  • microconstituent Compound of two metals that has a distinct chemical formula
  • proeutectic phase starts to form just before the eutectic point
  • secondary phase before eutectic temperature
  • Eutectoid reaction upon cooling, one solid phase transforms isothermally and reversibly into two new solid phases
  • peritectic reaction upon cooling, a solid and a liquid phase transform isothermally and reversibly to a solid phase
  • congruent phase transformation same composition
  • ternary phase diagram three components
  • homogeneous nucleation away from a surface, without any impurities, only the base material.
  • heterogeneous nucleation nucleation sites on surfaces in the system, easier for nucleation to occur
  • dendrite formation dendrites can develop in one or multicomponent systems.
  • ferrous alloys iron based
  • non-ferrous alloys metal alloys with no iron
  • stainless steel highly resistant to corrosion
  • noble metals soft, ductile, and oxidation resistant, highly conductive
  • refractory materials metal or ceramic that may be exposed to extremely high temperatures without deteriorating rapidly or without melting
  • glass ceramics fine-grained crystalline ceramic material
  • elastomers extremely elastic polymers
  • heat treatment treating material with a combination of heat addition/reduction and time
  • quenching rapid cooling
  • tempering Increasing the strength of glass by heat treatment
  • welding technique for joining metals in which actual melting of the base material
  • powder pressing press powder of ceramic into the desired shape
  • intergranular corrosion corrosion along grain boundary regions of polycrystalline materials.
  • stress corrosion form of failure that results from the combined action of a tensile stress and a corrosion environment
  • uniform corrosion oxidation and reduction reactions occurs uniformly over surface
  • crevice corrosion form of corrosion that occurs within narrow crevices and under deposits of dirt
  • oxidation removal of one or more electrons from an atom, ion, or molecule
  • activation polarization condition in which the rate of an electrochemical reaction is controlled by the slowest step

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