Lean dugga

Övningen är skapad 2024-10-23 av manda5. Antal frågor: 60.

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Alla Inga

  • The toyota way continuous improvment och respect for people
  • Organizational behavior pyramid artifacts and behaviour, norms and values, underlying assumptions
  • Lean leadership role model, guide, provides support and challange
  • True north values challange, kaizen mind, go and see, teamwork, respect for humans
  • True North cycles commit to self-development, coach and develop others, support daily kaizen, create a vision and align goals
  • Shu-ha-ri increase challanges, no awnsers, on the job training, sensei to provide guidance
  • shu-ha-ri betydelse to protect, to break away, freedom to create
  • Kaizen Continuous improvement
  • Kaizen event minor improvment project
  • Kaiku major improvement processes
  • Hoshin kanri capability related guidlines, empowering individuals, cross functional mindset, sence of ownership
  • Daily management system operation and monitoring of micro work process, support identification on task level
  • cross-functional management system adressing issues such as productivity and service, management of organizations vission and mission
  • Catchball process engage people in several levels of the organization to improve decisions
  • PDCA (Plan, do, check, act) report back daily, meeting for quick check of hoshin items and problem solving, difficult and repeating problems prioritized
  • FMDS (shopfloor management) technique to teach group leaders and managers, system aligning floor management and development activities
  • FMDS cycle 1. set clear purpose, 2. standardization and 5s, 3. make problem visible, 4. develop problem solvers
  • Basic psycological needs (STD-theory) atunomy, competence and relatedness
  • autonomy that we have a coice, freedom in the work, avoide controlling language
  • competence feel capable and effective, right education, structure for development
  • Relatedness feel connected, to belong and have meaningful relationships
  • Benefits of ecological sustainability reduce operating cost, reduce maintenance, increase equipment life
  • The 3 Ms muri: overburden, mura: variation, muda: losses
  • Green lean losses (value adding) value adding materials, products
  • Green losses (non value adding) water, emission, energy
  • principal based management principles according to values, standard methos and tools according to principles
  • Lean improvment tools process view, go to action, visualization, operator involvement
  • Gemba go to the place, go to the source to solve the problem
  • Gembutsu study the event
  • Genjitsu check facts and figures
  • Genri refer back to theory
  • High performance learning organizations right people, right environment, right process
  • the 8 waste defects, overproduction, waiting, non utilized talent, transportation, inventory, over processing , motion
  • Lean thinking (strategic level) customer focused, creating and understanding customer value
  • Operational level (lean thinking) focuses on specific tools, used at the shop floor to eliminate waste and improve efficiency
  • waste muda
  • 5S Sort, Sweep, Straighten, Shine,Sustain. Important for establishing an organized workplace
  • Just-in-time produce when needed
  • Heijunka Load smooth
  • Hoshin Kanri A process used to connect corporate strategy to key objectives and resources, including daily activities across functions
  • Root cause analysis 5 whys, fishbone diagram and cause-and-effect diagram
  • Value stream maps A one-page visual representation of material and information flows. Used to identify improvement opportunities and eliminate waste
  • Kanban Visualised system to handle workflows and identify bottlenecks
  • TPM total productive maintenance
  • visual management communicate information of work, process or systems
  • Takt time the rate of costumer demand
  • Jidoka automation with human element or intelligent automation
  • Pull system producting along with demand rather then produce in advance
  • WFM maps the flow of waste
  • EVSM environmental value stream map
  • 5 core values of lean leadership challange, kaizen, genchi genbutsu, respect, teamwork
  • Sensei teacher
  • kata learn to perform highly detailed and scripted task
  • Extrinsic motivation controlled motivation, lower motivational quality
  • Instrinsic motivation autonomous motivation, higher motivational quality
  • maintenance kaizen The process of reacting to the inevitable mistakes, breakdowns, changes, or variations that occur in everyday life in order to meet the standard
  • Improvment kaizen The work of not just maintaining standards, but raising the bar.
  • Why do lean fail cultural resistance, inadequant training, lack of commitment
  • Toyota management system (vertical) goals cascade down the organization and are turned into innovative thinking about how to achieve the goals.
  • Toyota management system (horizontally) Different functions coordinate their plans to achieve the broader goals

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