lecture 2, parameters of blood vessels (lite ECG)

Övningen är skapad 2024-03-18 av feliciajonsssson. Antal frågor: 42.

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  • blood pressure in aorta 100 mmHg
  • blood pressure in arteries, in large circuit 70 mmmHg
  • blood pressure in large circuit, arterioles 35 mmHg
  • blood pressure in capillareis in large circuit 15 mmHg
  • blood pressure in veins in large circuit 0 to -3 mmHg
  • pulmonary circulation: blood pressure in pulmonary trunk 18-20 mmHg
  • blood pressure in pulmonary circulation in arterial end of capillaries 12 mmHg
  • blood pressure in end of capillaries of pulmonary circulation 6 mmHg
  • veins blood pressure, pulmonary circulation 2 mmHg
  • summary cross section area in aorta 4 cm2
  • capillaries cross sectional area, in large circuit 2000-3000 cm2
  • vena cava cross section 8 cm2
  • pulmonary circulation cross sectional area of capillaries 4000 cm2
  • linear velocit in aorta 0.5 m/s
  • linear velocity in capillaries 0.5 mm/s
  • linear velocity in vena cava 0.2 m/s
  • one of the three types of cardiac muscle cells is pacemaker cells which primarily job is to conduct impulses
  • pacemaker cells has automaticity which means that it can generate impulses itself
  • one of the 3 types of cardiomuscle cells is working myocardial cells which role is to contract to move blood in the heart
  • one of the 3 cells in the heart is endocrine cardiomyocytes which release ANP and BNP
  • ANP and BNP are released from atrium respectively ventricles, these are released when blood volume in the heart increases
  • sinoatrial node sends impulses to the AV node and bachmann´s bundle
  • the secondary pacemaker cells are atrioventricular node
  • the 3rd degree pacemaker cells are atrioventricular bundle
  • ... allows for synchronized contractions of both left and right side of the heart purkinje fibres
  • speed of impulse conduction in atria is 1 m/s
  • speed of impulse conduction in atrioventircular node is 0.1 m/s
  • in the atrioventricular node there is a delay in the impulse conudction which is good because it separates the atrial and ventricular contraction in time
  • speed of impulse conduction in the ventricles is 1-4 m/s
  • speed of impulse condcution in working myocardium is 0.3-0.5 m/s
  • automaticity in the sinoatrial node (frequency) 60-80 x/min
  • automaticity in atrioventricular node (frequency) 40-60 x/min
  • automaticity in atrioventricular bundle (frequency) 15-40 x/min
  • if atrioventricular node fails, we can use artificial pacemakers which helps to generate impulses for the heart contraction if the heart isnt conductiing impulses properly
  • duration of P wave ..-.. (provide unit, use . ) 0.06-0.1 s
  • duration of PQ segment ..-.. (provide unit, use . ) 0.04-0.1 s
  • duration of PQ interval ..-.. (provide unit, use . ) 0.12-0.2 s
  • duration of QRS complex ..-.. (provide unit, use . ) 0.06-0.1 s
  • duration of QT interval: WRITE smaller than ..-.. (provide unit, use . ) smaller than 0.3-0.45 s
  • amplitude for P wave: ..-.. (provide unit, use . ) 0.1-0.3 mV
  • amplitude for R wave: ..-.. (provide unit, use . ) 0.8-1.8 mV
  • amplitude for T wave: ..-.. (provide unit, use . ) 0.2-0.4 mV

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