Linguistics 3

Övningen är skapad 2019-01-10 av annisss. Antal frågor: 16.

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Alla Inga

  • morphology the study of words, how they are formed and their relationship to other words in the same language
  • morpheme is the smallest grammatical unikt in a language
  • free morpheme a morpheme that can stand alone to function as words
  • bound morpheme is a morpheme usually a prefix or a suffix that cannot stand alone as a word
  • stem a stem is the form of a word before any inflectional affixes are added
  • bound stem a bound is a stem which cannot occur as a separate word
  • lexical morpheme morphemes that contain meaning
  • functional morphemes consist of functional words in the language
  • lexical morpheme example girl, man, house
  • functional morphemes and, but, when
  • derivational morpheme can change the grammatical category of a word
  • inflectional morpheme adding a morpheme does not change the grammatical category of the word
  • derivational morpheme example social+ism= social adjective to noun
  • inflectional morpheme example table+s=tables
  • morph cannot be broken into smaller constituents
  • allomorph variant of a morpheme forming plurals and past tense for example

Alla Inga

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